We are at Part 2 of this She-Hulk key issues saga, and we will see some more debuts of whacky villains that creatives decided to pit the Jade Beauty up against. We'll also get to some keys that see She-Hulk join some very iconic comic book teams as well.
If you missed Part 1, no worries 'cause that blue link will hurl you back, but in all honesty, you're really not missing much. If not, here's some more She-Hulk key comics.

Yes, seriously, Man-Elephant is a villain that She-Hulk would go up against in this comic series. He is Manfred Haller, and the only reason why I'm even mentioning this is because the character does turn into Behemoth in later comics.
As Behemoth, he doesn't make many appearances either, and only makes one appearance as Man-Elephant in this titled series. He would reappear as Man-Elephant in one issue of Sensational She-Hulk.
Once again, a stellar villain for Shulkie that debuts in the pages of her 1st titled comic series, Savage She-Hulk. There's this deadly villain to the left, and he started off as a regular joe who created and wore a battle suit that resembled an elephant in both appearance and durability.
Later he would find a piece of the Cyttorak gem (Juggernaut) that would endow him with super-human strength and durability. Until then, his elephant battle suit is also a smash hit at kid's birthday parties.
Hmmm...maybe I shouldn't have bothered putting this one on here, but here is yet the debut of another obscure and unmemorable villain from the pages of Savage She-Hulk regardless.
Later he would find a piece of the Cyttorak gem (Juggernaut) that would endow him with super-human strength and durability. Until then, his elephant battle suit is also a smash hit at kid's birthday parties.
Hmmm...maybe I shouldn't have bothered putting this one on here, but here is yet the debut of another obscure and unmemorable villain from the pages of Savage She-Hulk regardless.
The Savage She-Hulk #17 is cover-dated June, 1981.
1st appearance of the Grappler
We have more minor villains in this issue, and I debated about whether to even list this one or bother discussing it. Since it has the first cameo of Doc and I already mentioned him, I might as well.
So Doc is seen in three panels in this issue, and he and Ralphie show Danny "Zapper" Ridge the laboratory where they are working on genetic mutations. The pair want Danny's help in capturing She-Hulk with the promise that their research is for the good of mankind.
Grappler? Not many appearances for this top-notch villain, but he did go up against Captain America in his comic series maybe 2 times.
His weapon of choice? A tensile rod that can fire steel coils to entangle an adversary or be used as a blunt object weapon.
Grappler is also a very skilled martial artist and wrestler who also uses a computer that can immediately analyze and give him the exact spot and proper amount of leverage to apply in any given altercation.
I see future stardom for this villain! Newsstands also exist for this issue, and The Savage She-Hulk #18 has the cover date of July, 1981.
1st full appearance of Doc
1st Raphie Hutchins as Brute
1st Raphie Hutchins as Brute
In this issue, we first see Ralphie Hutchins being mutated into a creature called Brute. Doc takes the serum and injects Ralphie against his will.
This would prove to be a recurring thing in the last few issues of the She-Hulk. I do not want to write and discuss each and every villain Ralphie is mutated into so I'm seriously just going to provide a generic list below:
Savage She-Hulk #21 - 1st Ralphie Hutchins as Seeker
Savage She-Hulk #22 - 1st Ralphie Hutchins as Radius
Savage She-Hulk #23 - 1st Ralphie Hutchins as Torque
Savage She-Hulk #24 - 1st Ralphie Hutchins as Kyr & Earth-Lord
Uhmmm...yeah. So there it is. I suppose, I will discuss issue #25 since it is the last issue of the first on-going She-Hulk comic series comin' up.
Just for shits 'n giggles, here's the scene where Doc screws over Ralphie and mutates him into Brute.
Guess the moral of that story is never be in cahoots with a scientist who intends to mutate living creatures, because one of those creatures could possibly end up being you.
Doc would become the She-Hulk main baddie until the series ends with issue #25. The cover of Savage She-Hulk #19 is marked with the month of August on it's cover and was published and released in 1981.
1st She-Hulk cross-over
1st time she meets & teams up with Spider-Man
1st time she meets & teams up with Spider-Man
Finally She-Hulk makes her first cross-over and it happens to be in the Marvel Team Up comic series starring Spider-Man. Yep, she first meets the web slinger in this issue and further plants her in the over-all Marvel Comics universe, although she already met Iron Man and Man-Thing in her own titled series.
So Jennifer Walters ends up in good ole New York City to represent her client Hildy Dawes, a fanatic anti-government activist, who has turned herself into the law. Of course, being a newspaper photographer, Peter Parker is there to take a few snap shots of the even.
Eventually, a militant feminist terrorist known as Man-Killer ends up on the scene to free Hildy Dawes and gain more exposure for her militant group. This would have the Web-Head and She-Hulk cross paths for the first time and even duking it out for a bit.
In typical comic book fashion, the two end their scrap and end up teaming up to stop Man-Killer, although the villain does escape with Hildy Dawes. Not wanting to be freed and to atone for her terrorist activities, Dawes ends up electrocuting herself and Man-Killer.
While Dawes is dead, it is assumed that Man-Killer is dead as well. Not the case though, and the militant villain does reappear in comics after this issue.
Marvel Team-Up #107 is cover dated July of 1981.
1st Ralphie Hutchins as Seeker
1st appearance of Shade
1st appearance of Shade
Oh, heck, I might as well throw this one out here since it has two extremely minor character or villain debuts. So, in this issue, Ralphie mutates into a villain named Seeker that is tasked with destroying or capturing She-Hulk.
Seeker does fail. Despite some sources out there, Shade does 1st appear in this issue and then next appears in the issue after. He is set up as a powerful mob boss intent on controlling L.A.'s underworld.
I don't think Shade ever shows his face and it seems like Doc and him are working together against She-Hulk. However, it is revealed in the last few issues that Shade isn't really the big bad, but Doc is.
Newsstand editions for this issue are out there and Savage She-Hulk #21 has the cover date of October, 1981.
Last issue to 1st headlining comic series
it comes to the very last issue of cancelled series, it seems that
there's the perception that these comics had a low print run or
distribution. It does make sense since most of the time a series is
cancelled due to poor sales.
After only 25 issues, it's needless to say that She-Hulk's 1st on-going comic series was not a smash hit, and from the caliber of villains introduced in it, it is not any surprise.
So her first on-going series flopped, and she would end up being a supporting ensemble character for the Avengers and other titles after this series. Even her 2nd title later in the 80s only went to issue number #60.
In value according to Overstreet, #25 is tied with issues #2-5 at $10 for raw 9.2 or low NM. A CGC 9.6 copy sold in 2016 at $115.
While in issue #24, we first see Ralphie Hutchins as Kyr, it is revealed in this issue that Earth-Lord was also a mutated manifestation of him. She fought both in the previous issue and both Kyr and Earth-Lord debuted in Savage She-Hulk #24.
Being the last issue, this comic probably has a lower print run, and The Savage She-Hulk #25 has the cover date of February, 1982.
After only 25 issues, it's needless to say that She-Hulk's 1st on-going comic series was not a smash hit, and from the caliber of villains introduced in it, it is not any surprise.
So her first on-going series flopped, and she would end up being a supporting ensemble character for the Avengers and other titles after this series. Even her 2nd title later in the 80s only went to issue number #60.
In value according to Overstreet, #25 is tied with issues #2-5 at $10 for raw 9.2 or low NM. A CGC 9.6 copy sold in 2016 at $115.
While in issue #24, we first see Ralphie Hutchins as Kyr, it is revealed in this issue that Earth-Lord was also a mutated manifestation of him. She fought both in the previous issue and both Kyr and Earth-Lord debuted in Savage She-Hulk #24.
Being the last issue, this comic probably has a lower print run, and The Savage She-Hulk #25 has the cover date of February, 1982.
She-Hulk joins Avengers
She-Hulk meets Hawkeye
Hawkeye rejoins Avengers
She-Hulk meets Hawkeye
Hawkeye rejoins Avengers
While appearing in comic titles like Dazzler #14, then Marvel Super-Hero Contest of Champions, Marvel Two-In-One and other titles, She-Hulk finally finds another home in the Avengers comics.
Yes, this is the issue where She-Hulk joins the team for a little less than 2 years before she joins the Fantastic Four. So in this issue, Iron Man already has met She-Hulk and so has the Wasp apparently.
No idea where those two met first. Maybe in one of the issues of Marvel Super-Hero Contest of Champions. Only three issues in that limited series.
Anyway, it is clear that Hawkeye and She-Hulk first meet in this comic as shown below.
Hawkeye also rejoins the Avengers, and She-Hulk joins. So, quite a bunch of stuff going on here in this issue, and it should be a good one for She-Hulk fans.
As usual, speculators are speculating on what will happen to the Hulk when Mark Ruffalo bows out. They could get another actor to take his place sure. After all, Hulk has been played by three actors so far on the big screen.
Some are speculating that it might be Amadeus Cho since his mother was already in Avengers 2 Age of Ultron. Very few are placing their bets on a female version of the Hulk for the big screen.
If that ends up happening and She-Hulk does end up in the whole Avengers franchise post Mark Ruffalo Hulk, this comic of her joining the Avengers might have some interest. In terms of the character of She-Hulk, it is important since she does join Earth's Mightiest Heroes which is the first super-hero team the character joins in her comic career.
Once again, this is an 80s comic so there are newsstand editions of this issue. However, there aren't a whole lot of sales to go on to determine if there's disparity between direct market and newsstands concerning high graded copies.
Be interesting to see if this comic becomes worth slabbing in the near future or not. So far the CGC Census is extremely low at the time of this writing.
Shulkie is still wearing that torn up nightie for several issues, but gains several leotard costumes of varying colors during her early tenure as an Avenger.
Avengers #221 has the cover date of July, 1982, and it is still a pretty over-looked comic.
Why the big deal about John Byrne's 1st She-Hulk work? Well, the artist is known for defining or redefining the character when he became writer and artist on the 2nd on-going series for the character called Sensational She-Hulk.
We will get to the significance of John Byrne on the character a bit later in this part. Fans know that She-Hulk would later join the Fantastic Four and replace the Thing for a while.
We will get to the significance of John Byrne on the character a bit later in this part. Fans know that She-Hulk would later join the Fantastic Four and replace the Thing for a while.
During this time in '83, there were still newsstand editions, but aside from the U.S., there were also the 75 cent Canadian newsstand editions as well. Those are starting to get recognized by variant and newsstand collectors and were definitely distributed in lower numbers than the U.S. newsstand copies.
So regular U.S. newsstand distribution was around 80% in 1982 and 50% by 1986. This issue coming out in 1983 might be closer to 80% in distribution. Not entirely 100% though.
Cover dated May, 1983, Fantastic Four #254 has a regular U.S. newsstand and Canadian Editions with a 75 cent price a long with the direct market editions. If you do not know yet, Canadian Editions had far less distribution numbers than the U.S.
Cover dated May, 1983, Fantastic Four #254 has a regular U.S. newsstand and Canadian Editions with a 75 cent price a long with the direct market editions. If you do not know yet, Canadian Editions had far less distribution numbers than the U.S.
She-Hulk joins Fantastic Four
Although, I did not start reading and collecting the Fantastic Four with this here, I did start getting into the team and their comics when She-Hulk was a member of the team. This comic series did introduce me to the character well before I was even aware that she was an Avengers prior.
I did and do like the character of She-Hulk. Back in the day in my early teens, I always pictured Demi Moore as the live-action version. Then when I saw Rashida Jones in a few movies, I thought she would look like a sensational She-Hulk live action.
Anyway, She-Hulk joins the Fantastic Four and replaces the Thing until ole Blue Eyes returns to active duty later in the FF comic series, but it's a strange deal for this comic.
So in the page above, this issue actually precedes the issue in which the Thing asks She-Hulk to take his place in Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars #12 that came out in 1985. Notice that bottom notation that states Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars #1 was to come out next month.
Obviously, the events in this comic happens after Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars #12 which came out almost a year later after this issue. Fans saw Shulkie as a member of the Fantastic Four before it was even fully explained.
Anyway, She-Hulk joins the Fantastic Four in this issue and was written and penciled by John Byrne.
Just like with the Fantastic Four issue #254, there are both Canadian price variant editions and the regular U.S. newsstand editions if you're interested in these.
Who knows? You might even have one of them in your collection already and not know it. With the release date of January 17th of 1984, Fantastic Four #265 has the cover date of April, 1984.
1st appearance of Titania
If there is a character that is most notably a She-Hulk arch enemy, the closest villain to that is Titania. Her and Shulkie have gone up up against each other several times throughout both of their careers.
Mary MacPherran is the 2nd character to take up the name of Titania. Davida DaVito was the first but was never really connected to She-Hulk.
MacPherran was transformed into Titania by Doctor Doom using alien technology. This was a willful agreement, and in exchange, Mary had to join Doom's army.
Titania would meet Absorbing Man in this issue for the first time as well, and the villain does eventually marry Absorbing Man. Regardless, she would develop an all-consuming obsession of besting She-Hulk. This rivalry would also include Absorbing Man as a She-Hulk villain as well.
In terms of She-Hulk, this could be a somewhat significant key for the character. Aside from the 1st appearance and origin of Titania, this issue also has the 1st appearance of Volcana or Marsha Rosenberg.
Both Marsha and Mary are outcasts and became friends who agreed to Doctor Doom's offer in becoming super-powered beings in his army on Battleworld. Like the entire limited series except for issue #12, there are regular direct market and U.S. newsstands priced at 75 cents and Canadian Editions with a $1.00 variant price.
Titania does not battle She-Hulk in this issue. They first meet and duke it out in issue #7 of this series. Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars #3 has the cover date of July, 1984.
1st full appearance of Spider-Woman (Julia Carpenter)
1st She-Hulk & Titania battle
1st She-Hulk & Titania battle
Might as well talk about this one again since it does have the 1st full appearance of the new Spider-Woman (at that time, of course), Julia Carpenter.
Her debut also saw her get a matching costume design like Spider-Man's new black and white costume.
Don't think this version of Spider-Woman was highly connected to She-Hulk or anything but may as well mention it. I do think this issue will be popping up again on this site since I am working on an extended Spidey key issues list.
connection to She-Hulk and this being a key for the Jade Beauty, this
issue does hold the 1st time She-Hulk and Titania battle it out, thus
beginning their rivalry.
this issue and issue #3 are over-looked currently, maybe even the case
for actual She-Hulk fans. They are still pretty cheap buys for both
direct market and newsstands at the time of this writing.
Not so sure about the Canadian $1.00 price variant editions, though. Haven't really looked around for those, but they are apparently out there and do exist. Maybe you've got one in your collection and don't know it yet.
Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars #7 is cover dated November, 1984.
Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars #7 is cover dated November, 1984.
Origin of She-Hulk joining FF
Here's the issue that explains how She-Hulk comes to join the Fantastic Four. I've labeled it the origin of She-Hulk joining the FF, and explained in the listing above how this issue comes out a year later before Shulkie is seen as a member of Marvel's 1st super-hero family.
Here, you can check out how it plays out below:
So Ben decides to stay on Battleworld since he can revert back to normal form and enlists She-Hulk to take his place. From there, the FF go back to Earth and the story continues in the story presented in Fantastic Four #265 published almost a year before.
When it comes to Canadian Editions, Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars #1-11 had $1.00 while the regular U.S. editions had the price of 75 cents. For issue #12 of the limited series, the regular U.S. version had a $1.00 price and the Canadian Edition had a price of $1.25 for this issue.
Just some added information if you're curious about these, and regular U.S. newsstands exist for this issue as well. Canadian Editions are currently recognized by CGC as shown in the census for this particular issue.
Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars is a well remembered limited series for most Marvel fans. As we know, we get the origin of the symbiote suit in issue #8 of the comic series.
Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars #12 hit the market around December 25th of 1984 and has the cover date of April, 1985.
1st meeting of She-Hulk & Wyatt Wingfoot
1st appearance of Terminus
1st appearance of Terminus
She-Hulk's 2nd love interest after a brief romance with her childhood friend Danny Ridge is Wyatt Wingfoot. Wyatt is a Silver Age character and debuted in Fantastic Four #50.
The two love birds first meet in this issue and would develop a somewhat long relationship after. Wingfoot would be a supporting character in The Sensational She-Hulk comic series.
This issue also sees the first appearance of a pretty minor villain called Terminus. This villain is a creation of a race called the Terminex who came into conflict with the Celestials a long, long time ago.
Before the extinction of the Terminex race, they engineered a life form that would evolve into Terminus and exact revenge on the Celestials, or at least try to.
Not really a major She-Hulk villain or anything and Terminus does pop as a menace in other comic titles here and there. Not exactly a top-tier villain for anyone though.
Canadian 75 cent and regular U.S. newsstand editions exist for this issue as shown above. August, 1985 is the cover date for Fantastic Four #269.
Loses ability to revert back to Jen Walters
One of Jennifer Walter's quirks is that she feels less powerful and less comfortable in her normal form. She actually feels for confident in her She-Hulk form.
No surprise there. In this issue, John Byrne has She-Hulk dosed with a high amount of radiation after an adventure with S.H.I.E.L.D. and saving the day by keeping a Helicarrier from blowing up.
Because of her extra exposure to radiation, Reed Richards informs her that she won't be able to change into her normal form again.
Of course, this is later revealed to be a temporary thing, and She-Hulk isn't the least bothered by this news. Marvel Graphic Novel #18 The Sensational She-Hulk is cover dated November, 1985.
No surprise there. In this issue, John Byrne has She-Hulk dosed with a high amount of radiation after an adventure with S.H.I.E.L.D. and saving the day by keeping a Helicarrier from blowing up.
Because of her extra exposure to radiation, Reed Richards informs her that she won't be able to change into her normal form again.
Of course, this is later revealed to be a temporary thing, and She-Hulk isn't the least bothered by this news. Marvel Graphic Novel #18 The Sensational She-Hulk is cover dated November, 1985.
1st issue to new headlining series
Before Deadpool used the devices of breaking the 4th wall and knowing that he was a comic book character, She-Hulk under the helm of John Byrne also had these qualities. It is one of the reasons why John Byrne is known to fans for redefining the character.
You can see from this cover and even issue #2 these devices at work where she addresses the reader and is shown reading a Hulk comic book. Being in her world, some of the supporting characters in the series also realized they were comic characters as well.
Byrne would write and pencil much of the series. Depending on the writer, these characteristics would continue for the character in later comics but not always.
So, She-Hulk gets a new titled series with a more comical approach. By this time, she had rejoined the Avengers since the Thing has returned to active duty in the Fantastic Four, and Jennifer Walters is now an assistant District Attorney and working for New York City district attorney Blake Tower.
As far as I can tell, the cover of Sensational She-Hulk #1 just may have the bar code on the cover for all copies, so not sure about direct market or newsstands for this issue, but the cover date is May, 1989.
So we are getting into John Byrne's work on She-Hulk, and many of her supporting cast is borrowed from other comics. One example is Blake Tower, and he first debuted on a poster in Daredevil #124. However, his first full appearance is in Daredevil #126 back in 1975.
Like her 1st on-going series, those characters created and debuted in Sensational She-Hulk are also pretty minor and never broke out in a big bad way.
If you're interested, She-Hulk does meet the Thing in an actual story and has her first team-up with Blue Eyes in Marvel Two-In-One #88. This comic came out in 1982.
For awhile, She-Hulk was depicted as having a crush on the Thing but nothing ever came of it. Anyway, Part 3 is ready so see ya there.